Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Diaper Dash to save on Cash

The countdown has begun. I am approx. 38 week and I am still looking for all the signs that my baby girl may just want to show up early. The myth that first time pregnancies actually happen later than sooner is starting to feel more real. Apparently, only 50% of births are early, so that means I still have two weeks to meet that deadline! Should I start eating spicy foods, make use of that acupressure I wrote about, or maybe get a spoonful of grandma's caster oil? Ew. So I am just going to play the waiting game, continue to make sure the house is in order, even though every single day I seem to find a new task that needs to be completed yet gathering  enough energy to actually complete it is another story.

 I am still shopping online for cloth diapers, even at 38 weeks we still haven't completely decided which route to take. We didn't even consider the idea until about 2 weeks ago when we had a parenting class and it was brought up. I was so sure I was never going to even consider the idea...now I have several packages of natural & eco-friendly disposables in the baby closet as well of a shipment of FuzziBunz reusable cloth diapers on the way. It is amazing how far cloth diapering has really come! I had no idea and it just seems to make sense the more we research it. I hope (fingers crossed) that I will enjoy using the cloth diapers even though when you tell your friends about the idea they make that face and roll their eyes like I am never going to survive the first diaper change. I keep searching for more YouTube videos to convince me that I can do this. The mommy with a baby strapped to her chest in a Moby while she hangs 20+ cloth diapers up outside to sun is really inspiring. Not really the day of sunning I had in mind, but I won't mind the trade off. My real motivation for cloth diapering was the amount of money we could save.

Have you actually ever totaled the cost of diapers and formula you spend in one year? Let's see.. for diapers alone-estimated 8-12 diaper changes a day (depending on age of your baby) at .20 or .40 cents a diaper depending on brand and quantity...comes to an amount between $1700.00-$4000.00.  Of course this all takes into consideration if you are choosing the store brand or more concerned with spending a few bucks more for those high end eco-safe biodegradable diapers. Then of course with cloth diapering you have to consider a few things as well. How much work do I want to put in? Do I want to get one size or perfect fits that need to be upgraded as your baby grows. How much laundry do you want to do in a week?

We decided FuzziBunz (http://www.fuzzibunz.com/)  was the best fit for us since they grow with your baby. We also wanted to make sure we could purchase both disposable and washable inserts (in case of traveling or just for convenience). So we are looking at spending around $300-$700 for diapers the first year. Of course this should last until potty training, so we won't need to repurchase more and we may be able to continue to use these on our expanding family or sell the used diapers on EBay- which seems to be popular as well (Sounds weird to sell used diapers but they actually clean up really well and a great deal of moms are into this). Makes sense to me. Bottom line-If it means that the hubby and I can take one more vacation a year (Yes, without the baby) then I am going to do whatever I can to make that happen...hence the cloth diapering and breast feeding will all make for a healthy happy baby, and a happy, slightly richer mommy and daddy.

Super mom in my opinion! lol

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