Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vagina Wars

Why is it when women become pregnant for the first time everyone you know wants to tell you the most horrific story they possibly can about will happen to your body and how destructive, gruesome, agonizing, and painful it all was. This of course all up until the point where the epidural was given. Oh, but no worries, it only feels like a hot poker in your spine?! Gee, I sure look forward to this. I feel like my vagina is about to enter WWIII and it may not come out, or with some severe casualties, but it is okay because it was all worth the cause. I am trying to focus on the one story I heard from a girlfriend well before my pregnancy days...she had her first baby and basically exhaled the child out in the hospital and was walking around within hours with no repercussions of said epidural. Just to shrug off any the hype that she had been informed of during her pre-labor days..did I mention her baby was 10lbs? So if one story like this can make it to my ears, how come I am not hearing more? Should I start a statics on vagina wars? Maybe I need a casualty count. (Ha). Or how about the story of a friend of a friend who tore so bad she needed 13 stitches? How does that happen? Does it happen often? I mean, I think every girl feels like she has the best kept vajayjay right? Is there something I missed during Sex Ed. that would have helped me understand this situation better? I think I might have saw it in a passing porno once...eww...maybe not. So now I need to figure out what really is the best advice to follow? In my head all I keep visualizing is the this woman screaming in agony as she is wheel chaired down the hospital hall, cursing at her husband for allowing her to go through this.   Yet, I have never seen this before during any visits to the hospital in my lifetime. Maybe they hide these women in a separate wing for a reason! haha. I think we all know it doesn't really happen like this, but what about the woman who don't? During my pregnancy as I have become more educated on what will happen and what will not, I am also learning that there are so many women out there who still have these ideals and fears. Why are we not sharing more positive information instead of theses horrific vajayjay war stories! I plan to do just that...ladies, the war is over and I lived to tell about it. 

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